heat waves and hot soup.

corn soup

I’m sitting at my computer with the fan on high, the sun threatening to burn me through the open window and I’m getting ready to tell you about a soup that encompasses all that I love about Summer. I’m sure you are saying to yourself right now – soup? In the middle of summer! Crazy […]

a craving for something warm.

udon noodles and cilantro

It is the end of April and I wish it were summer. Instead it feels more like winter around these parts. Gray and misty mornings linger into the evening and chilly nights fill our home making me crave a hot bowl of soup. The sun teased us with a few days of perfectly gorgeous 75-degree […]

school lunch

Babies. Everyone is having babies. Molly is. Taza is. Even some of my closest friends are taking the plunge. I, however, am not. I’m ok with that and I hope you are too. Instead I decided to go back to school to become a Holistic Health Coach. Going back to school comes with a lot […]

a year later

A year ago Steve and I left everything we loved in Las Vegas to try life somewhere new, somewhere we had dreamed about living for years – San Diego. This may not seem like a big deal considering it’s only a 4.5 hour drive from home but for us it was huge. We like to […]

a cure for the common tantrum

Last week was a bad week. The moon and stars must have been out of alignment because I was a wreck. I cried. At work. And at 30 years old I threw a tantrum that would rival any toddler in a tiara. It was that kind of week. By Friday I was more than ready to let it all melt into a bottle of wine and lift my spirits with my favorite comfort food – soup.

what we learned.

We made it! So without any hesitation here is what I learned from the Engine 2 challenge.

* 28 days go by really fast.
* Eating plants = lots energy.
* 28 days of plant strong meals did more for me than 60 days of intense work-outs could do. I lost almost 5lbs, several inches and a pant size.
* Clarity. It’s a feeling you can’t describe until you’ve experienced it.
* Ethnic food is your best friend. Mexican, Italian, Thai and Indian food is very adaptable to a plant strong diet. If you have a can of beans, whole grain tortillas, salsa, avocado and cilantro you can make 50 different meals.

what was the best part about your day?

Every evening when Steve and I sit down to dinner we ask each other that question. Tonight his answer was “this stir-fry”. I agreed.     We love stir-fry which is somewhat odd because as I child I hated stir-fry so much that my parents would do the unthinkable and cook me something different when […]

we have friends!

I’m about to hand over a magnificent, delicate but extremely rich pasta dish recipe. You are going to love every bite.

i’m in a rut

and I need this pasta to snap me out it. I’m not sure if it’s a food rut or a writing rut but it’s a rut nonetheless. I haven’t been excited about food which is baffling considering I have three new All-Clad pans that need breaking in, a new Jamie cookbook, a gorgeous baking book […]

zucchini. who knew?

I know my timing isn’t ideal on this recipe considering that summer is over – unless you live in San Diego (thank you 75 degree weather in November) but I’m sharing it anyway because it’s that good. I would have never thought to make soup out of zucchini had I not been handed a mini […]