a love affair with beet greens

Years before I started incorporating greens into my diet regularly I would never think of eating wilted, cooked down piles of leaves. The closest thing I got to cooked greens was cream of spinach, which hardly counts considering it is simmered in heavy cream and a good dose of butter. As a healthy foodie I’ve […]

my new exciting life + a salad that will rock your world!

My dear friends – this blog hasn’t seen too much action lately and to be honest neither has my kitchen.  Since the universe wouldn’t give me more hours in the day (thank you, universe) I decided to scale back so I can start to enjoy the simple pleasures in my life. One of those simple […]

glorious greens

It was a simple Sunday. A day of sleeping in, coffee on the couch, a trip to chinos, an afternoon nap and then dinner made with all of my favorite things. While I was at Chinos farm stand I honed in on a new green I had never seen before. The farmer’s wife told me […]

awaken to sweet potato hash.

sweet potato hash

I recently attended a three-day Awakening Seminar aimed at finding enlightenment and peace and all the fabulous transcending buzzwords that come along with said enlightenment. But it didn’t exactly start that way.  Instead, I spent the morning of the first day pacing outside of a house all alone and freaking out that I was about […]

heat waves and hot soup.

corn soup

I’m sitting at my computer with the fan on high, the sun threatening to burn me through the open window and I’m getting ready to tell you about a soup that encompasses all that I love about Summer. I’m sure you are saying to yourself right now – soup? In the middle of summer! Crazy […]

Yellow watermelons and reclaiming the kitchen.

watermelon salad

Today I did a scary thing, something that I’ve been dreading to do for quite awhile now. I told all of my freelance clients that I was no longer taking on design projects so I could focus more attention on my passion – cooking in the field of nutrition. It wasn’t easy but I feel […]

the everyday dessert.

Sugar is the devil. When it gets in my system (which is often) it wraps it’s long fingers around me in a death grip and convinces me that I really need salty chips and a dark syrupy coke, as opposed to something like a healthy green smoothie. Sometimes I cave under the very convincing pressure […]

friendsgiving • part one

Friends•giv•ing Definition of Friendsgiving 1: the act of gathering with friends for good wine and even better food 2: the act of flexing one’s culinary muscles 3: giving thanks to the friends in your life Friendsgiving is a tradition created several years ago by my good friend and culinary counterpart, Amy.   The idea was both […]

blackouts and beets

Thursday night didn’t go quite like I had planned. I was going to plant myself in front of the computer and share with you a recipe about beets and poblano chilies and how yummy they are grilled with red onions and worchesire sauce. Instead, a teensy little power outage decided to stand in my way […]

just beet it.

baby beets

I’ve grown very fond of beets this summer. What began as an innocent summer romance, as the longer days allowed us to get to know each other over hot coals and crisp lettuce leaves, has since blossomed into a full-blown affair. Every Sunday I anxiously scan the produce at Chino Farms searching out the beautiful red, pink and orange bulbs. And with names like sugar beets and candy striped beets how could you not be swept away?